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Why should I get my jewelry appraised?
First and foremost, jewelry insurance. An appraisal will tell your insurance company what the replacement value of your piece is. Don’t lose out on the full value of your precious purchase because you don’t have jewelry insurance.
Jewelry insurance will cover lost, stolen or damaged items, so visit today and use your jeweler code: a00342 to get your free, no obligation quote and learn about coverage details.
Be proactive. With gold at an all time high, don’t leave your home and jewelry unprotected. Take charge and get the necessary jewelry insurance coverage today with an appraisal from golden renaissance.
A certified gems and jewelry appraiser using the latest “state-of-the-art” methods and precision laboratory equipment will perform an appraisal report.
Considerations made in the determinations of dollar value include:
- Weight
- Clarity
- Color
- Saturation
- Tone
- Quality of cut
- Gemstone desirability
- Designer/artist/manufacturer
- Trademark
- Hallmark
- Type of manufacturing
- Quality of craftmanship
- Design
- Physical condition
- Repairs needed or performed
- Supply and demand
- Present economic condition of the local market
* You will receive 2 copies of the appraisal report, one to keep and the other to submit to your insurance company. All values are based upon the metals quote as of the date of appraisal.
The object of an insurance appraisal is to establish an accurate insurance position and provide sufficient support in the even of loss, damage or repair.
Most insurance policies contain an option, which will allow the insurance company to replace your lost or damaged gems or jewelry with "similar" items. Therefore, the more descriptive the appraisal, the more certain you are of receiving proper replacements. For your own protection, the gemological appraisal should virtually fingerprint your gem(s) and jewelry. It should include your stones cut, color, clarity, weight and positions of identifying characteristics. Precious metals should be identified and weighed. This type of descriptive appraisal will reinforce your protection and will make sure you are covered for truly similar gems and jewelry. An explicit accurate description is as important for your protection as is the estimated retail replacement value.
Standard jewelry, such as: gold rings, bracelets and necklaces start at $100.00 each additional piece is $75.00. Items with a single 1.00 carat diamond or larger will be charged $100 per carat.
* Pricing subject to change at any time without prior notice.
* We also appraise for estate and/or settlement value.